Welcome to RAH99
Profile of Rob Hills
"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."

Featured Projects on GitHub

Virtual Reality Application

This application was developed to answer the hypothesis "Does VR training have a practical application in aeronautical engineering?". The project conculded, although undetermined in answering the hypothesis due to lack of suitably qualified participants during the current lockdown restrictions, that VR increases memory retention over conventional teaching methods for technical terminology.

Published Website (currently down)

BobbyJack's Hair Studio (due to current circumstances has ceased trading as of early 2021) was a unisex hairdresser in Sherborne, Dorset.

The site incorporates a main website - showcasing modals, tooltips, contact form, and a scalable (live feed) Facebook container - with an admin page that is accessed via clicking on the word “BobbyJack’s” in the footer and was developed on the MVC model using HTML5, CSS Grid, JavaScript, PHP/PDO, and phpMyAdmin.


Hi, my name is Robert Hills, but known to my friends and colleagues as Rob. I have always had a keen interest in all things computing, so decided (somewhat later in life than most) to fulfil a life’s ambition of obtaining a degree in something that I enjoy and want to make a career of. On completion I achieved a BSc(hons) Applied Computing (First-class) from the University of Bath.

The challenges that programming presents is welcomed and enjoyed, even through the frustration of something initially not doing what it was intended to do and the resultant jubilation of solving it. I have experience in, Database design (Oracle and MySQL), Java (Android Applications and Multithreading), Web design and building (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP), Game/VR Design (Unity and C#), Visual Basic, Networking, and Cyber Security (Basics and Forensics), utilising various IDE's and commercial experience (as per my CV) in C# ASP.NET + core (MVC), MS SQL Server, T-SQL, Database First via Redgate Readyroll, Octopus Deploy, Knockout TS (MVVM), SCSS, jQuery, JavaScript, Typescript, HTML, TFS, Azure DevOps, Angular, Umbraco CMS, code and database first approaches.

Further personal time has been and will continue to be spent in advancing my programming skills, as can be seen with the continued addition of projects to my GitHub repositories the most recent addition being a microservices application.

Much of my career has been customer centric in sales and operational management roles, so, understand the empathy and integrity required in maintaining solid customer relationships. I have experience in data analytics, primarily to produce Management Information, and in software project management through the development of Total Accident Management's in-house repair and claims ERP, e-Point.

I realise there is much to learn and endeavour to further my understanding of programming and the development lifecycle. I know I have the determination to see things through and am willing and able to learn new techniques, which I reinforced during and on completion of my degree.


Please click on the LinkedIn icon in the footer and send me a mail from my LinkedIn profile.
